These are the presentations given by Tom Robb in September 2018 in Vietnam.

Some of them are similar since they were tailored to specific audiences and time allowances.

These slides do not contain full information since they were designed to be displayed while I was explaining the slide in more detail

The Benefits of Extensive Reading

Implementing an Extensive Reading program: opportunities and challenges

Version presented on Sept 5 at Hoasen University is below.
Implementing an Extensive Reading program: opportunities and challenges

Extensive Reading for Raising Language Proficiency

Using MReader for Assessing Extensive Reading

Providing Listening Practice with Online Materials

Using Mobile Phones for Reading & Listening Practice

Creating Quizzes with Moodle

Get students speaking with mini-presentations (PeerEval)

Getting Published

Some sites mentioned in my presentations


The Extensive Reading Foundation





Please feel free to email me with your questions: